
Wow, London Skyline!

Good morning, afternoon, evening,


"the driving and creative force that is transforming the economy and society, and which has advantages and disadvantages for different social groups, is still to be taken seriously because it is generating in London many activities and valuable opportunities to work lacking with us.

For centuries the pedagogy of the Nordic countries has promoted a hands-on learning, cooperative, based on problem solving, which offers the most young people the tools to fit more easily into work at the end of their schooling.

The futuristic buildings that have changed the urban London seemed to me the continuation and the materialization of the activities done in the school during the course of which the teachers glimpse the path suited to the future surveyor, electrician, mechanic, architect, engineer, to the banker, the financier, the artist". 

Make yourselves feel this magnificence even more fascinating and attractive so to take important decisions for your entire life.


What about Italian education?

Is problem solving an Italian approach to reality so to turn any problems into opportunities and learn how to cope with them and create new working outcomes?

What is your experience of London? 

Any recent one? 


In case anyone interested in sharing the experience of this blog can read this message, please send an email for further inquires. At the bottom of the page there's the email address. It will be a pleasure reading you and replying.


Enjoy your English and any place where it is spoken!  


Anna - Coordinator

Source: Arrigo Speziali, ACLE Italy Director


Thank you Daniele, I may not have lots of instruments to evaluate the quality of life in the cities, but the very first impression you have in London is that of a lively city, with that driving force that is lacking in Italy, maybe all over the country. Your lucid evaluation of the quality of Italian schhools and school reforms are the sign of a still existing capability by young people to understant the base of all Italian problems. Education is not seen as an area to invest on, thinking of it as the best way to have a better future.

The system of cooperative too in Italky is frequently a mask to hide other interests.

Going abroad is a chance to take with no hesitation, without excluding the one that is the greatest bond with our country: to fight all the times it is possible to improve everybody's living conditions, becoming competent and resolute to claim for people's rights.

Italy is a stagnant country, with other priorities than its citizens' serenity, rights and happiness. But it is our duty first to improve ourselves then the square meter surrounding us all the time.