
Synaesthesia and When Left is Right

Good morning, afternoon, evening,



Silvia, Federica, Elisa, Mirella, Daniele, Loretto,


what do you know about the two subjects of the page before reading the articles?

There is this idea that acquiring a new language makes you loose yours. That's completely wrong, since it is just when you acquire a new one that you may compare the two languages. 

You can also improve the first you learned, since it is a great opportunity to notice differences and similarities,and then developing this skill.  

An example? There are so many, but just a few: nobody knows any more how to say spelling in Italian, because they do not even think of it as an English word. 

Speaking of left-handed people, nobody knows how to say right-handed in Italian and they mix humans with shells.

They notice that in Italian too words can have two meanings only after knowing that about English words.

What an opportunity then to broaden horizons! Word by word, as much as you like and want, up to you to decide, life is not long enough. 

Do you know any other fields where synestheasia can be applied as a reference to understand? 

Let us know, write your comment and we'll read them in class. 

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your English 


Anna - Coordinator

Source: own worksheets and Speak Up  August 2017 - August 2018