'Morning, 'Afternoon, 'Evening,
where are Aussies from?
Fascinating country, like all the ones where English is spoken; wherever they are, they make you feel at home.
But we also feel such a strong attraction by the origins of these countries, we wonder what they were like before speaking English and what there can be preserved, protected.
That's why you have here some material about places in Aussie we would like you to comment.
If you have photographs of the "civilized" Australia, you can upload them in the Gallery with a comment and a message here.
Have you ever visited Aussie? When did you go there? What are your memories of your experience? What have you enjoyed most?
Let us know, it will be a pleasure reading you. Do not forget to consult the Archive to find articles that interest you and upload a comment even there.
Enjoy your English.
Anna - Coordinator
Source: Speak Up, January 2010