

Good morning,'afternoon, ' evening, 


Do you like chocolate? How often do you eat it? 


Today we want to talk about chocolate from two completely different points of view.  The first one is seeing chocolate as an addiction. It is the angle of this text book we coped with in class.


Grammar practice  is about phrasal verbs. In these two paragraphs they are quite easy to learn and memorize. 


Do you know any other type of addiction? 


This page made us think about a reverse side of a habit we can develop without thinking of how cocoa is harvested to make chocolate.


Not that you have to be a chocoholic to know about that. It's just information, very important to acquire in order to start viewing chocolate also in a different way.  


If you like having  information about it do not hesitate to watch this documentary on Youtube, 


We do think there's so much to know about other any reverse side of what we can easily perceive. We continue to ignore so many areas of the world and the peoples who live there. Maybe being informed makes the difference, and each one of us, in his square meter can behave differently. Check also how chocolate is produced from now on.

Thank you Silvia for coming to class with  one more side of it! Good news, fair trade!


We invite you to write your comment about any type of addiction you may know, and how we could get rid of the "addiction" of seeing people not equal. 


What is the role of chocolate in our life? How can we consider it? Food? Nourishment? Have you ever visited a Chocofestival?


Let us know and describe it. 


See you soon in class,

Anna - Coordinator


Source: First Certificate Masterclass, Oxford University Press, 2008 and Youtube  


Thank you Cristina, Silvia, Marco and Sergio.

It seems chocolate is quite an interesting and delicious topic!

Any food when tracked back tells us so much about our history, civilization, and also unfortunately about people' exploitation. But definetely each one of us can make the difference choosing what's best each single time. 

No wine with chocolate? It might be Porto or Marsala you say, Sergio?

I do think we should organize a proper celebration to see how well they match.

Next time I'm coming to class with chocolate, let's see what happens then!

Paola: thank you for the speech you delivered in class, Paola. Communication was perfect. Just something to change, e.g. when I was seven, I used to go to...; hot chocolate was served to the children who...; after listening to....whoever would like to/likes/wants... 

I'm expecting some chocolate to be again in class then!

See you there, 

