
All is Lost & Lost in Space




Good day, 


these are two different articles at a more advanced level, and if you do not read what the level is, we think it is worth trying them. You can help your comprehension with the notes at your disposal.  


Two different solitudes in two films, the immense space and the vaste sea.


Robert Redford, a "solo" interpretation in All is lost, needing a unique experience as an actor, and it can easily be said as a human being too.

Sandra Bullock acting as an astronaut in Lost in Space that reminds us of real unpredictable risks when outside into the space like the one recently ran by the Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano. In the interview by Radio Tre we mentioned elsewhere, he was also asked about this film, and for sure, professionals' perception is different from common film viewers' one.  


Actors have this possibility, to play roles as they were real life, to face other selves, and what about us?

What can we do if we need to be different from how we commonly are? Do you ever feel this need? 

Try to write as a comment if you agree with Redford and Bullock, and what you would have done in such situations, or what you did if you ever found yourself as a "solo going" and where you had to "go".

In case you have questions for the actors Redford and Bullock after reading the articles and watching the films, ask your questions here, we will do our best to have proper replies.  

See you in class,  

Anna - Coordinator

Source: Speak Up, February 2014

Eleonora: films and films! How nice speaking about them! I  have been on the set of a short film, but I would like to see how the whole set of a film works. How you go through scene by scene respecting the script to get the final result.  Being a film maker is a matter of having great professionality, sensitivity, intelligence, skills. Cinema can play an important role in claiming human rights.

Do not ever forget how meaningful is watching films also to acquire English. The context works with the plot, and images support delighting your interest.