Leave your footprint in Livorno

Good morning, afternoon, evening,

this is our "English in the open air" going on.

High school students meeting Mediterranean cruise passengers to practice English and experiencing it as behaviour, experience, integrating school programs.

This year, after designing a logo for the project that offers itineraries to visit Livorno - Leave your footprint in Livorno - a first group of students yesterday met the press. Camilla, Emma, Tommaso, Matteo and Alana  told them the core of the project. https://www.quilivorno.it/news/scuola/studenti-ciceroni-inglese-croceristi/

We are partecipating as Eurocontact Plus ONLUS in a program called Scuole App-erte, http://scuoleapperte.it/ designed by ITI G. Galilei Livorno and Liceo Cecioni, sharing the spirit of being open through languages to all people who want to speak English as a way to B English 2, one more identity to be added to the one/ones we already have, feeling confident that being able to communicate and feeling at home the world over thanks to English is an advantage.

Open laboratories, the first one to welcome English speaking Mediterranean cruise passengers while getting off the shuttles in Piazza del Municipio after disembarking in Livorno on June 14th, giving them with our visit card information and roses.

The second one to meet passengers at the railway station on June 30th, offering with a matinée - the Rose, by Janis Joplin sung by Emma as a soloist and accompanied by Tommaso playing the violin - maps of Tuscan cities and roses. Both from 10,00 to 12,00 in the morning. 

Emma will sing The Rose by Janis Joplin, and Tommaso will play the violin.

This is our way to encourage the acquisition of English in order to become citizens of the world, to feel at home wherever it's spoken.

One more identity to be richer and able to compare different realities. A tool, the second language, to design personal projects, according to the aims each one of us wants to foresee for their future, aware that also the future is a time to be shared, always building something useful to be left to who's coming next. 

A film will be shot all season round, with all students, and the DVD will be available for everybody who wants to support the initiatives of our NPO

Bilingualism is an advantage for the species, that is to say each one of us. Don't you agree?

Join us and participate.

Anna - Coordinator

Photo taken with all parents' written permission



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