Considering that a language is a matter of acquisition, not just learning or teaching, what you have to do is expose yourself to the language, being surrounded by English; read books, we suggest both contemporary and classical texts, novels, any genre you like, leave yourself be fascinated by the plots and enjoy what you do. You have to love what you do. Allow yourself to have great pleasure in finding time to spend with it.
E-books are available too; keep always your reader with you the way you do with your phone, visit international websites and bookshops; become acquainted with them, so that all the times you have to join a queue, you are on a train, it’s not wasting time, but turning it into an advantage, relaxing, both visiting websites and reading. Your mind will work for you, memorizing English the way it did when you started reading your mother language at primary school.
We never trust enough our mind, it conceives clever strategies in order to pursue our objectives, sometimes even before we realize it. And then watch films, organize parties to watch them with friends, and send us comments about both, books and films. We can compare ideas and evaluations. Listen to English speaking TVs, to the news, to songs, and start singing. Try to imitate intonation and pronunciation. If you like listening to English CDs, pause them frequently and imitate pronunciation and intonation. Your mind will acquire the style, also the cognitive one suitable for you. Empower the ability of being attentive to the development of your skills, if you pay attention, it’s an investment on your future, it will be returned.
Own source photo: English in the Open Air Labs - Welcoming Mediterranean Cruise Passengers, Piazza del Municipio, Livorno,Summer 2016
Photos taken with all pupils' parents' written permission