
Good morning, afternoon, evening

Elena, Gianna, Daniele, Loretto, Simone and whoever's reading ,

after Norway, this is one more trip of one of our students, Simone, to Thailand.

These are just a few of the photos he's sending us, to show the beautiful places he's visiting.

All of you who are reading, wherever you are, can say

1. what your experience with Thailand is

2. what you know about this country

Upload your comment, we'll reply

Anna - Coordinator

Thank you Daniele for your comment. Next time with classmates we'll talk about it. See if there's anything you can change after our last class.

How mny and which other countries have you visited in addition to Norway?

Sara, you're quite good at making readers perceive tha beauty of describe. Remember to chack go + to, plurals, pepositions. Take your time to talk about places too, catch the opportunity to have a class that wants to listen to you!


Source: Simone's own photos



0 #3 Alinaacapsunctug 2018-09-04 19:21
Great post!
Respect the author!
And I read the actual news here ...Smartphone Reviews
0 #2 Sara 2018-05-28 17:13
I went in Thailand in 2005, for Christmas holiday. This place is beautiful. Bangkok is a city very chaotic, with lots of cars, scooter and people. The flooting market is unique, it's impossible describe the explosion of colours and the good smell of fruit and spices. I was there for almost a month and I visited many place and the emotions were really a lot. The sunset on the temple site in Chiang Mai, the absolute silence of small villages of the north, where you can go only with the elephant and where at night the only light you can see are those of the moon and the stars.
The temples are magic and the nature wilderness. The Thai people are very particular, they say always yes even if they didn't understand what you asked them!
Thailand is wonderful!!
0 #1 Daniele 2018-01-06 10:09
I never went in Thailand, but I think it's a very nice place, but very particular also. With a kind people.
A place where the nature and the pollution fight from long time, every year most. Anyway I think it's a country who offer lots of emotions, and hundreds of photography!!

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