Starting from the Roots, a journey with the plants for the students of ITIS Galilei Livorno at the Botanical Garden/Museum of the University of Pisa

Good morning, afternoon, evening 

Nicola, Denise, Giulia, Alberto, Samuele, Luca, Lorenzo, Elisa, Giorgio, Luca, Tommaso, Francesco, Federico, Manuel, Federico, Andrea, Matteo, Giacomo, Fabrizio and Diego , 

following our path to learn about the protection and conservation of seeds and plants, we visited the Botanical Garden/Museum of the University of Pisa. A magnificent garden surrounded by walls in the city centre, where you wouldn't expect to find trees whose trunk needs several people to be embraced. 

You have also here the worksheet uploaded on Google Classroom, questions to reply to after the visit to the Botanicl Garden/Museum in Pisa. 

The oldest one in the world, founded in 1543 near the river Arno, then moved in 1563 near the Court House  and again to the place where we can see it today in 1591. 

A century, the 16th, when botanists had a multidisciplinary approach to science and felt committed to find cures for the human mankind, whose active ingredients where, and still are, in plants. 

Centennial trees, waiting there for visitors to come living their solitude as a proof of tenacity and resilience to be mirrored by humans, coping with the menace to today's environment. Offering life, shelter, knowledge and solemnity, to make us comprehend what living beings they are, brothers to us all, the way we should feel.  

Greenhouses with different environments and climates, an invitation to see how the world has diversified to welcome and spread life, a "scientific miracle" that wants to continue today too if only we accept to be part of it, equal to any other. 

Amiable yet rigorous museum didactic operators of educational services capable of making their expertise flow from them to the students while interacting with them, so to keep all of us engaged and focused on listening and marvelling about nature, our common origin whose laws we all should re-establish starting on a day by day basis.

I remember a journalist, a unique one, Tiziano Terzani, who used to put eyes on the trunks of trees to make his grandchildren understand what marvellous, intelligent living beings they are, capable of communication if only we want to listen to them. There is so much to learn due to this communication, starting from the roots and expanding our canopy to be nourished by light, water and air. The more we go deep with our roots, the more we are stable, we can resist to storms and offer long branches, our arms, to protect the others together with ourselves. 

Time to start or to continue, up to you. 

I think I'll put eyes on the trees in the wood next to where I live, this charming Tuscan countryside, as soon as the renovation works inside the house and in the land will be finished. A park for encountering nature is being designed. Not only for children, but for all those who want to understand how precious this brotherhood with nature and its plants can be. 

Keep posted, I'll let you know. 


Anna - Coordinator 

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