Kitchen and Banana Yoshimoto

Good morning, afternoon, evening, 


first there's someone we would like to thank for participating in this blog, Samuele, who joined us with his comment about London Gliding. 

There is a very special reason why and we would like you to find it out; maybe interacting on the web you can do it. 


We are working hard these days, to develop projects and ideas. And you? Do you enjoy your English? 

We would like you to do that, also reading books. 


Here there is one among the vast variety we frequently propose our students to choose among. It is not a graded book, the type commonly students of English are invited to read, often as a part of their school program.  

If you can find the type of narration suitable to you, there are so many books of contemporary literature you can read; with the language level, also enjoyment can increase and reversely.  

Never stop reading and watching films. Be surrounded by English speaking and feel it as your second language, your second home. If you already speak other second languages - one could be Italian - then you are privileged, it is even easier. Let us know what you think of this book and others you are reading. 

Why did you like it? What is reading for you? And reading in English? 

Enjoy your English, 


Anna - Coordinator





0 #3 Cristina Gianfaldoni 2014-01-14 21:00
The people with whom I could have a different relationship , and with whom , however, for some reason it did not go well. [...] In this world, due to the circumstances in which I met them , between them and me things have not worked in any way. But I feel , I'm sure that somewhere, in a world of deep and far, on a beautiful shore, we smile , we offer kindness , and spend happy times together . (from Memories of a dead end)”
0 #2 Cristina Gianfaldoni 2014-01-14 20:57
I quote Banana Yoshimoto's words that at this moment I fully agree.
“ In any case, happiness is always around the corner : happiness comes suddenly , regardless of the situation and circumstances , so as to seem ruthless [...] . It is unpredictable as are the waves and the weather. Miracles are always waiting , without distinction to none. (from Memories of a dead end)
The only thing that seems sure is that the body and mind of the people receive and transmit much more information than the people themselves do not think . This coloring mysterious sometimes scares me , because it gives me the feeling of being completely exposed , sometimes comforts me and shakes my heart. (from The Sound of Silence , in The body knows everything )
Close my eyes and I acknowledge my world [...] . Then dedicate a prayer to all the people who at some point have moved away from me.
0 #1 andrea 2014-01-12 20:44
Both stories in the book are really touchy. The feelings that join the novels are the love and the death. The first essay speaks us about Mikage, e young Japanese girl, that feels rally alone and depressed, cause her grandmother has just died. Unfortunately her parents had died when she was a child. So she fells frustrated and she isn’t able to cope with pains and sorrows. She is invited to live with a new family. Here she gets in touch Yuichi a sensitive young boy and her mother Eriko, a transgender. In the past Eriko was the father of Yuichi, but he decided to change [censored] when Yuichi’s mother had died. He did it as the ultimate token of love to his child to give Yuichi all the love (Mum and Dad) that a child need. Living together, Mikage and Yuichi realize that they’re joined by deep feelings. Using cooking as a track, the author shows us like a great friendship can became love for these youngster, that are fighting to overcame the pains and sorrows that the fate gives them.

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