Peter Pan


This is a special page for kids, their families, and whoever can find practicing Elementary  English useful.

We are going to publish a few more pages after these ones, all the time there’s a new subject, so that you can continue reading.

Our advice to develop your writing skill: 

a. summarize the text you read,

b. write a similar story, changing the characters and the sequence of what happens; try to keep the track of this narration, make only little variations, at the end  you will have a different story,  well written. Let us know what the results are.   

c. after reading, find someone very patient who wants to listen to you, and to your story. They will be the first ones to witness your improvement in English.  

Come to class with your ideas and your work.   


Anna - Coordinator


0 #3 Cristina Gianfaldoni 2013-02-09 19:54
Once upon a time, a long time ago, in London there was a happy family, the Darlings. This wasn't an ordinary family. In fact, there was a Fairy called Violet as well as the parents Adam and Emily, their child Morgan and their cat Felix. Violet was found injured in the garden and Mrs Darling looked after her. During the day Violet played with the child and the cat but at dusk she was afraid and she wanted the windows always closed. But one night, two evil beings came in through the cat flat and kidnapped.......the little Morgan.
0 #2 Greta 2013-02-07 22:00
The writer begins his story with a very important information: faires exist and it's very easy to kill them.
the important thing is to belive that faires exist.
the story tells the happy Darling's family. One night Mrs Darling left the window open in the bedroom of the children and two "shadows" came in....
0 #1 Cristina Gianfaldoni 2013-02-05 20:54
Summary At the beginning of the story the writer mentions about the existence of the Fairies.Then he tells about Darling's family. This family lived in London. One night, Mrs Darling left the window open and two "beings" came in.

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