Amelia Mary Earhart, Yuri Gagarin and Pioneers










first of all we would like to tell students who participate in this work how much we appreciate their effort. Some were beginners in October and now English is part of their life, a new horizon to frame the so many contents and interests to share with their mates. 

Thank you so much for coming to class with comments and ideas, your homework done, visible and measurable results. 

That's why we would also like to invite whoever's reading to join us, it works. Do not forget the Gallery, where you can upload  songs and photographs. 

Let's go on, then. 

All the times we cope with extraordinary people like Yuri Gagarin on our text books, it's an invitation to continue searching for news about them.

Talking about their legacy, trying to understand why they dared so much, is also a way to explore ourselves.  


Who is a pioneer? Do we have any nowadays?


We are adding photographs taken from the ESA Monthly Bullettin, February 2011, to celebrate the fifty years of the first launch of Yuri Gagarin into the space. 




Long time ago, we had the chance to listen to the astronaut Paolo Nespoli interviewed on a radio program. He said how he learned English and how surprisingly he became an astronaut.  

Would you like to inquire about that too?

What does he have in common with Yuri Gagarin if you think there's anything









You can describe the photograph taken in Moscow after Gagarin's first flight into the space, and the one with the dove. 

In class some students said that recently there has been a documentary on television, about Amelia Earhart, by Alberto Angela.  What else then do you know about this pioneer-woman?

Thanks to you Cristina, Franca, Ilaria, Fabio, Nicola, Sara, this page is so remarkable! We should think a little more about people who are so courageous to start a new path, due to their unique perception of reality? Risk? Future? Perspective? What a wish can do? What a dream can signify? 

So much to know also with your contribution. It will be a pleasure reading you on other pages too! 




Reading you will be a pleasure as usual, 

Anna - Coordinator



Source: European Space Agency Bullettin February 2011





0 #8 Sara 2018-10-17 15:13
1) Who is a Pioneer? A pioneer is a person who introduces an innovation or a project in same sectors, opening new paths and in general a person who explores unknown lands
2)Do we have any nowaydays? We know Luca Parmitano. He in an Italian soldier and an astronaut. Parmitano was the first Italian to carry out extravehicular walks on july 9, 2013 with 6 hours and 7 minutes of spacewalks.
3) What does he have in common with Yuri Gagarin if you think there's anything?
According to me both are pioneers, even if in different times. Yuri Gagarin was born in 1934 in a poor family; he was the first man to fly into space. During the world war II he saw his first plane and at that moment he knew that he wanted to be a pilot. He became an excellent pilot and then (after a few years) he became an astronaut.
Luca Parmitano was born in 1976, also he is a great astronaut and he was the first Italian to do extravehicular space activity
0 #7 Nicola Lacetera 2016-01-28 11:59
There's a man, a young man, who has given the start for space exploration and so he's today considered the space flights' pioneer: this man is the Russian Yuri Gagarin.
Unfortunately he died in a plane crash when he was only 34, but forever he remained in the collective memory of all umanity.
His flight around our planet on April 12th 1961 is one of those events that mark the steps of the umanity through the History towards the future.
The humble origin of this astronaut, who was a farmers' son, makes his image more interesting and shows once again how the desire to realize a dream is the most effectual strength to reach the purpose.
0 #6 Fabio Barsotti 2014-11-25 12:49
Who is a pioneer? The meaning of the word is changed with time. Nowadays a pioneer is the first (or among the first persons) to embark on an initiative, a project or an enterprise, is the first to spread an idea, opening new roads, new perspectives for development.
So, we don’t have to go into space! But, who would not want that?
Maybe there is a concurrence between astronauts: at such a distance from the Earth, they look at our planet in a different way and they can understand how fragile it is.
0 #5 franca landucci 2013-04-30 14:37
To realize a dream is difficult but not impossible, this says Luca Parmitano, the first of the young astronauts selected by ESA in 2009 that will adress the first mission. For six months will work on the International Space Station, will also be the first italian astronaut to adress spacewalks. Parmitano is located in City of Stars outside Moscow. Here Parmitano is doing the last exams and the final stages of training in view of the flight in the night between the 28 and 29 May will take him on the Space Station.
0 #4 ilaria 2013-03-12 13:12
Paolo Nespoli was born 6 april in 1957.
He spent his childhood in Verano Brianza.
He is married with Alexandra Ryabova and they have a daughter.
He has many hobbies such as diving, piloting airplanes, photography, manufacture of electronic equipment and computer software development.
In 1988 he obtained the bachelor of Sience in Aerospace Engineering by the Polytechnic University of N.Y., after a year a Master of Sience in Aeronautics and Astronautics.
In 1990 he obtained a bachelor of Mechanical Engineering by Università Degli Studi Di Firenze.
In 1977 he became skydiving instructor for the Italian army in Livorno.
He trained astronauts for the Johnson Space Center (Nasa)and for European Space Agency astronauts center in Colonia Germany.
He worked in Russia for Gagarin's Center where he helped astronauts and prepared the technical tools of the spacecraft.
He stayed in the Space for 140 days 9 hours and 40 minutes.
0 #3 franca landucci 2013-03-06 17:22
A few weeks ago, I saw on television the program of Alberto Angela dedicated to women who left a significant trace in history.One of these is Amelie Mary Earhart: a legend of aviation, one of the most important female figures of 900.
Her adventurous biografy and her tragic end, often inspired art and cinema, including the film " Amelie" of 2009.
0 #2 franca landucci 2013-03-06 16:47
who is a pioneer? A pioneer is someone who starts a new path
and he must have a strong will and a spirit of adventure.
Yuri Gagarin was the first pioneer in the space.On 21 April 1961 was the first man to orbit the earth.The flight lasted 108 minutes.
0 #1 Cristina Gianfaldoni 2013-03-03 20:04
On 15 December 2010 Nespoli flew in the space with the Russian cosmonaut Dmitri Kondratyev and NASA's astronaut Catherine Coleman. The three membres of the crew returned to Earth in 2011. Nespoli filmed the majority of the footage for the documentary film "First orbit". He partecipated in some educational activities for example "Misssion X : train like an astronaut " which gave children the chance to follow an international initiative built around health, well-being and nutrition. He wrote the book "Dall'alto i problemi sembrano più piccoli" and he was the main character of "Michey Mouse and Paolo Nexp and the future orbit", a story of Donald Duck pochet books number 2872 and 2873.

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