Paleolithic Diet

Good morning, afternoon,evening, 


Eleonora is an agronomist, a professional with very tight roots into the earth as a resource capable of guaranteeing everybody to live on if properly used. Redifining what sustanaibility is for everybody's benefit is something we can't delay any more. There are too many differencies among people on the same very small planet.   

Today we invite you to practice your English with this article to read, suitable also for corageous elementary students.

Do you feel concerned about nutrition? Are you interested in eating habits? Why?

What is the role played by food in your life? 

Do you find it sensible trying a Paleolithic diet? 

Why, according to you, going on a diet called Paleolithic?

What is your perception of such a definition? 


After reading the article, please complete these prompts for sentences according to what's written in it:

  1. Homo Sapiens ...

  2. Many people today...

  3. The Paleolithic diet...

  4. The Paleolithic era...

  5. People from the Paleolithic era...

  6. Devotees of the Paleolithic diet...

  7. People on the Paleolithic diet eat...

  8. People on the Paleolithic diet don't eat...

  9. People on the Paleolithic diet don't...

10. The diet is enormously popular...

11. Singer Tom Jones...

12. Singer Miley Cyrus...

13. Gwyneth Paltrow...

14. The Paleolithic diet does...

15. It's impossible...

16. Food, like people...

17. Our early ancestors... 

Practice your English paying attention to formal correctness!

See you in class, ' good day, enjoy your English, 

Anna - Coordinator

Source: Speak Up, March 2015





+1 #3 Fabio Barsotti 2015-04-29 15:18
Not particularly. I’m aware of the importance of healthy nutrition, to avoid disorders such as obesity, diabetes, cholesterolemia, intolerances and so on. But I’m not very careful with the nutrient contents balance in foods, or with the way of cooking foods. I try to eat different foods every day, so to support my health and my pleasure of eating. I’m interested in eating habits only when they’re linked to the culture of peoples. When I go abroad, I’m interested in typical dishes and drinks of that country, and if I can, I taste them. It’s a simple way of sharing in people’s life.
+1 #2 Fabio Barsotti 2015-04-29 15:17
Food is important in my life. As a vegetarian, my diet is not only a pleasure, but it’s a lifestyle too.
If I have understood, the Paleolithic diet is based on hunting, fishing and picking fruits and vegetables. Isn’t a nonsense hunting, fishing and picking fruits and vegetables in a supermarket? Aren’t they the same foods that common people eat abitually? I’m non sure that food is “natural”. Unless Paleolithic diet’s fans provide for themselves to get food... However coffee, alcohol and some treatments of food aren’t healthy!
The term “Paleolithic” reminds the origin of man, a “natural” world, a more strong link to Nature and its inhabitants, both animals and plants. Maybe "Paleolithic" is the key to success of the Paleolithic diet.
0 #1 Eleonora 2015-04-26 20:49
1. I'm interested on nutrition and eating habits because is the most important activity of our lives and the future of the planet depends also on it…
2. In my life food it's very important, i like very much eating!
3. I think it could be interesting as a reflection, but almost impossible to reach
4. It may be interesting to understand how many unuseful things there are in our lives, starting from junk food!
5. A diet that eliminates processed foods, like our ancestors ate

1. Homo Sapiens was the first who invented agriculture...

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