'Morning, Afternoon, 'Evening,
Benedetta, Ilaria, Christian, Filippo, Matteo, Robin, Vincenzo,
this is homework for you before our next class and for whoever wants to practice their English at elementary level.
Write short sentences, subject, verb, complement, and present your best friend. When in class, your mates will ask you about him/her. Is that fine? Use the page from the text book as a guide to reply to questions and write your text.
There are so many songs about friendship, this one I invite you to listen to and sing is called You've Got a Friend, and connects generations - that is you and me - as you can see looking at
We'll sing it in class, after studying the text. I'm expecting you to come to class ready to speak and interact with your mates! See you there
Anna - Coordinator
Source: New Headway Pre Intermediate OUP 2006
Benedetta: you're doing very well at school, feeling so committed to the task of practicing English we encourage with activities. Continue working so to consolidate the language and get all the possible occasions to practice it.
Vincenzo: English is a language you can acquire the way you did with Italian. Patience, practice, interest, motivation and commitment. You've got the right approach, continue this way, thinking a little more before writing and speaking so to avoid mistakes and build your own phrases to convey what you wish.
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