Welcoming Mediterranean Cruise Passengers to Livorno

What a pleasure saying hello to


Marta, Chiara, Martina, Lorenzo, Tama, Alina, Federico, Alessandro, Pier Daniele, Davide, Marino, Karrem, Alice, Michelle, Riccardo, Alessio, Eleonora, Kejsi, Alyssia, Elisa, 


after spending together last Friday morning welcoming Mediterranean cruise passengers. Quite a good job, wasn't it?

This 21 June, the first day of Summer and the world-wide day dedicated to music.  

A new one when English too becomes a pleasure, embodied by nice people who enjoy sharing a talk with English students. 

All of a sudden the square becomes crowded and tourists need information. They see a group of students and head to them smiling and having their kindness returned. 

Generosity and kindness on both sides. 

They appreciate not only the students but the city too. A lively occasion to test ourselves while enjoying time with mates and visitors, comparing ideas, impressions and seeing that time after time speaking becomes easier, real fun the way so many of you didn't expect it might be.   

An article was published by an on-line newspaper, QuiLivorno


and news was broadcasted by Granducato TV that came to film the work&talk students. Their cameramen was impressed by so much beauty. 

Four years ago, on 5 August 2015, the interviewer of students and tourists was the journalist who is now the Mayor of the city, recently elected. Vivaciously and competently he interveened dynamizing the open lab asking tourists and students about Livorno and their experience.  

We invited him to partecipate in our lab, but he was busy with the first Town Council on June 21. We renewed our invitation to join us again for the next labs, on 5, 11, 19 July. 

Anybody who wants to practice English is very, very welcome. 

Being helpful is always important; in a completely unknown place, mainly desembarking and arriving from inside the port, passengers do need help. They need to know where they are in the city . 

With tourists on holiday it becomes a pleasure sharing a talk and helping, for, as everybody noticed, they are relaxed, calm, they just want to enjoy themselves,  that's quite a nice contibution to be given.


Good of you all performing so well, next time even better!

Anna - Coordinator 




0 #1 LeslieTeentPD 2021-04-08 16:37
She was wearing a black raincoat, but even through the material, her [censored]y figure was clearly visible. Her breasts were significantly extended, her butt was feminine round and had a very capacious size. And I immediately caught myself thinking: it would be cool to ride next to such a chick on the bus.

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